Saturday, April 19, 2014

Here Comes The SunCafe, and I Say, It's FANTASTIC.

There is a giddy feeling you get when you find a good restaurant. It's that kind of feeling you get when you have a good secret, something so good that you want to tell others, but you won't.

However, I will. 

I'll tell you about SunCafe. 

See coming back to LA I was a bit disappointed. My favorite vegan restaurant Cafe Gratitude had changed dramatically. What was once a hippy raw vegan restaurant had changed into a new aged vegan restaurant that served, fake meat.

Being a vegan I do not understand the point of fake meat. The point of my transformation into a plant based diet was my renouncement of all animal like products, and to me, fake meat is a animal product. I understand that that it literally isn't meat, but I don't see the point of living in a lie by pretending to eat meat but forsaking animal cruelty at the same time. 

This is where SunCafe comes in.

SunCafe, to me, is a new cafe that focuses more on the raw vegan realm by making its meals out of plant products instead of processed goods. If I am going to have a burger of some sort, I would want it made out of chickpeas instead of soy protein. Raw meals or even plant based meals feel more nature based and real than anything soy could ever come up with.

When I came here I ordered the Sun Burger as well as the kale shake. While the Kale shake is quite big, it is ridiculously delicious. Topped with goji berries, the kale shake tastes like a sweet vanilla shake, but it is enriched with kale and other nutritious goodies. The sun burger was flavorful and tasted like a nice roasted burger. I had the side salad with a sprouted bun on top of the burger, and overall I was very satisfied with this meal.

The best part about eateries like the SunCafe is that it remains vigilant and true to its motos. On its website, the SunCafe, "is a celebration of food". By staying true to organic local ingredients, the SunCafe stays away from cheap fake meat by products to create a delicious meal.

The SunCafe offers a lot to what I want, and I am very thankful for that.

I know you'll enjoy it!

3711 Cahuenga Blvd West, Studio City, CA 91604
* 818-308-7420 *

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