Saturday, April 19, 2014

We're Not The Bad Guys

So it may seem like I cheated on you, but that's not the case. I promise you that I had no ability to write on this blog in any way. I was away from my computer for a whole week because I was in, sigh, the east bay.

I had to go to the east bay for a small commercial job and being there made me remember why I have such a hard time with northern California. See, living here I have always known about the North vs. the South issue in California, but I never really participated in it. To me, everyone is the same, we're either annoying or awesome no matter where we came from. However it seems that wherever I went, I was the only person that had that thought process. What I'm trying to say is, whenever I meet someone from the north, they always tend to stick their noses up when I say I'm from the south. When I went to the east bay for that job, everyone on that job was a complete jerk. 

Now, I know the argument might be the same from down here. People in LA might be rude and disgusted to hear that you're from a certain region of the world. Hell, I still feel a twinge of repugnance when I hear I have to go to the valley to get something or even when I hear someone is from the valley. However I'm trying to change that. 

I know that LA is notorious for being horrible, and, truthfully I don't get it. The people I've met have always been cordial and kind to me. They don't go out of their way to make me feel like I'm in heaven, but they treat me like a human being. People here follow a general moto; be kind to me, and I'll do the same to you.

Which is why I get so confused why the North seems so revered and the south is so criminalized. Maybe it is the people from the North that boast about their importance and amazement so much that the rest of the world believes them, or maybe it is an internalized residual prejudice from the civil war, but for some weird reason northern california is considered the best, and southern california is the shit on everyone's shoe. I simply wish that was changed.

LA is an amazing town that has as much to offer as does San Francisco. If you're lost on the subway we'll tell you where to get off or where to go, and if you need someone to take your picture, we'll push the button. We'll never boast about how amazing we are compared to you though, that's a northern thing.

My thoughts on this post is that hopefully the state will stop trying to separate each other and just accept who we are. We are Californians. We are an amazing state. We have history, and we have great food. We're all the same, and we should be happy to live on these great plains. 

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