Saturday, April 26, 2014

LA and Health

First, I find it appropriate to apologize for this week's lack of posts. It had seemed that the previous work week threw me off entirely to the extent I felt slightly depressed. That's the problem with this town, it isn't kind. LA, despite its lovely scenery, will spit you out when given the chance. You cannot let yourself get too down, because it will be too difficult to find a way back up.

So because of this lack of posting, or lack of wanting to post, I found that inspiration was as hard to find as finding a bar that is open past 2 A.M. Nothing was interesting anymore, and life seemed quite dull.

I thought about this issue while I was at the grocery store and then it hit me like a man dressed up as batman at Grauman's Chinese Theater. 

I'll write about health.

While Los Angeles seems to have a new interest on health, that is simply not the case. LA have been married to health for nearly one hundred years. Ever since silent movie actors became a known commodity, health and fitness became a thing to care and think about. We had finally had our own icons, our own golden gods, and being golden gods, silent stars needed to look the part.

Even though the argument against my statement could be that the world, not just Los Angeles, has always cared about fitness, I have to state that Los Angeles has always stressed on health more than any other country or city. Being a city of fame, many are drawn the the magnetized hope that one day they too will be famous. However coming to this city they realize that is why everyone is here, they all want the same dream. These people are prettier, skinnier, and more energetic, so to compete with that beauty, one must change one's health.  

Health is governed by the city through fads. Every new age idea has been recycled similar to the retro fashions that are done today. I was once told that vintage fashion is repeated every 20 years. I am going to make the claim that every 40 years health and fitness trends are repeated as well. Right now you might be drinking a freshly pressed juice, that is a fad, and it was obstructed by us, however it was also a fad in the 1970s. Yoga became cool about 10 years ago, however my neighbor Gypsy Boots, who basically introduced yoga, did so in the late 60s to early 70s. Health, like fashion, go hand in hand, and we're the ones that make it cool again.

Los Angeles needs health and health needs Los Angeles. For every apartment that is built here, two yoga dance studios are built right next to it. We need to be toned and bright because we have the whole world looking at us. We care about how we look because it makes us feel better and happier. The old running joke is that people would REALLY feel better if they just have a hamburger instead of a salad. Let me tell you that we have hamburgers, and they are some of the best in the world. However our hamburgers are clean and fresh, and that's the way we like it. We love our food as much as we love our health.

While we might seem snooty over our fitness regime and food, it is because we forget the rest of the world doesn't have this scrutinized concept leaning over them. Also it is because we have a regime, and as human beings, it's hard to break that. So I want to explain to you that we're sorry about how picky we are. It is just that we've had a lot of years working on how we look and how we feel. We want to live long enough to see how glorious this city is. We want to wake up and know we have enough time to see it end. The beauty of this city is something to astound you, and when you truly see it first hand, you'll do whatever you can to live long enough to see it every day for the rest of your life.

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